Archive for January, 2019
Cruising with WiFi – Is that a travel router in your pocket?
by firestorm_v1 on Jan.10, 2019, under Embedded devices, Hardware, Networking

Carnival Vista
Internet access on cruise ships is now a common occurrence and more commonly, I get frequent questions on how to “game” the system and get Internet access without paying for it. The short of it is, you’re going to have to purchase at least one account to get anything online. The long of it lies in the rest of this article and it’ll be up to you to decide if it’s worth the effort. Quick spoiler alert: For me it wasn’t, and I ended up buying another access to get myself and my wife online at the same time. While it was a punch in the pocketbook, it was a lot cheaper to pay money to resolve than the costs incurred in other areas (time, frustration, etc.).