Author Archive
Updated theme for mobile users
by firestorm_v1 on Nov.30, 2009, under Site News
Hello Everyone!
A review of my stats shows that I’ve been getting increasing traffic to my site from mobile users with iPhones and Android based phones at the top of the list. I know the site’s a bit slow on mobile devices so I went ahead and uploaded a new theme called WPTouch for those of you on the go that still like to drop by. All major functions of the site are available through WPTouch so you can still comment and view all the information here, it’s just now in a considerably faster mobile-friendly format. If you have any issues, please let me know in the comments so I can address them.
Add a real lasersight to the Nerf Nitefinder
by firestorm_v1 on Nov.24, 2009, under Hardware, Toys and Games
Well here’s the seccond post as promised. These posts should also proves that you don’t have to know sick computer skills or mad hardware to be able to pull off some bad ass hacks. In this post, we will address the Nerf Nitefinder and it’s so-called light sight. While the verbage does get around the expected/anticipated lack of a good lasersight, this post will walk you through adding a real laser sight to your Nitefinder. Read on for more details along with lots of pictures. (continue reading…)
Mod the Nerf Maverick to eject chamber right
by firestorm_v1 on Nov.24, 2009, under Hardware, Toys and Games
Well, I will admit that I’ve been slacking a lot. There are posts that need to be posted, and I’ve been extremely busy at work. So, to make up for it, today’s going to be a two-post day!. In this post, I’ll demonstrate how to modify the Nerf Maverick chamber to work properly like a real revolver. Read on for a complete step-by-step guide to this basic Nerf mod.
Breaking into APC’s BR24BP battery pack
by firestorm_v1 on Oct.27, 2009, under Hardware, How-To's, Investigative Dissassembly
In this post, we will show what was necessary on how to get access into the BR24BP battery pack for APC’s BackUPS RS/XS series of battery backups. Read more for additional details, caveats and some good to know general informaton on how you can replace the stock batteries in the battery pack with your own batteries to save money and time.
Back from vacation and ready to get busy!
by firestorm_v1 on Oct.26, 2009, under Site News
Hello again everyone!
I’m back from my vacation and although my operating table, err my work bench is still largely unassembled, I will have some new content for you in the upcoming days. The move was hell, but thankfully it’s over so now it’s time to start hacking again!
Posting Blackout
by firestorm_v1 on Sep.22, 2009, under Site News
Howdy everyone!
I apologize in advance for my lack of site updates. I’m currently in the process of moving so unfortunately all projects have been put on hold for the time being.
I will resume posting mid-October as soon as the move is completed and I have unboxed my brain. It’s in a box somewhere..
As always, thanks for visiting. Check back soon!
Add an SD card slot to a WRT54G v2
by firestorm_v1 on Sep.09, 2009, under Embedded devices, Hardware, How-To's, Linux
In this post, we’ll cover step-by-step how to add a SD cardslot to your Linksys WRT54G running DD-WRT and how to configure it in the DD-WRT UI. Granted, this has been done a lot already, however there is a significant lack of information on how to do it on the older V2’s. Read more for the complete step-by-step guide. (continue reading…)
Parts: Parallax VGA/Dual PS/2 breadboard adapter
by firestorm_v1 on Aug.31, 2009, under Embedded devices, Hardware, Product Reviews
Seeded by a submission made by me, Parallax announced very recently that they have released a new product, a VGA /Dual PS/2 breadboard adapter. Today, I got my hands on the new adapter and I couldn’t be happier. Read on for more details and my first impression regarding this new product which I’m sure will generate a lot of new application ideas for their Propeller microcontroller platform. (continue reading…)
Make APCUPSd tweet for help!
by firestorm_v1 on Aug.18, 2009, under How-To's, Linux, Software
Please note: Twitter stopped using “Basic” authentication methods on their API calls and unfortunately this method no longer works. User “Laramy” (comment below) has provided a workaround and I am currently working to test this. This document is still posted for archival reasons.
Well, the world is abuzz with all things twitter so I figured that I’d join the fray. But rather than tweeting about farts being blasted into an office chair or a toilet that twitters or even a tweeting toaster, I decided to do something useful with this thing called Twitter. I have APCUPSd running on a Linux box that tweets when the server detects a change in power. Read more to find out how you can incorporate this into your linux server.
Inaugural Post of
by firestorm_v1 on Aug.18, 2009, under Miscellaneous, Site News
Welcome to the inaugural post of
It has been a rough couple of months with the site migration to the new server, but I’m hapy to say that the migration was a success. New tools have helped me completely overhaul the YWIV site into something that at least looks like it was coded in this century. Read more to find out what all I have in store for this site. (continue reading…)