Embedded devices
Add an SD card slot to a WRT54G v2
by firestorm_v1 on Sep.09, 2009, under Embedded devices, Hardware, How-To's, Linux
In this post, we’ll cover step-by-step how to add a SD cardslot to your Linksys WRT54G running DD-WRT and how to configure it in the DD-WRT UI. Granted, this has been done a lot already, however there is a significant lack of information on how to do it on the older V2’s. Read more for the complete step-by-step guide. (continue reading…)
Parts: Parallax VGA/Dual PS/2 breadboard adapter
by firestorm_v1 on Aug.31, 2009, under Embedded devices, Hardware, Product Reviews
Seeded by a submission made by me, Parallax announced very recently that they have released a new product, a VGA /Dual PS/2 breadboard adapter. Today, I got my hands on the new adapter and I couldn’t be happier. Read on for more details and my first impression regarding this new product which I’m sure will generate a lot of new application ideas for their Propeller microcontroller platform. (continue reading…)