Inaugural Post of
by firestorm_v1 on Aug.18, 2009, under Miscellaneous, Site News
Welcome to the inaugural post of
It has been a rough couple of months with the site migration to the new server, but I’m hapy to say that the migration was a success. New tools have helped me completely overhaul the YWIV site into something that at least looks like it was coded in this century. Read more to find out what all I have in store for this site.
I’ve been wanting to do this for a long time. After purchasing this domain name, I figured that instead of hiding my hacks and mods on my other site I would post them here as some of them are really nice and deserve a lot of attention, and some of them are quick and dirty “Git-R-Dun” hacks or mods.
This site isn’t all about me however, although I will be the one posting a lot here. I want to make this a community site, so if you have something you want to post or an article or hack that you have performed and want me to show it, please let me know! At this time I don’t have a contact form up, so just drop me a line as a comment to this post for now.
With that being said, in the next few months, I hope to be doing the following:
- Convert my existing hacks and mods to the new site, along with pictures and updated information
- Create forums for public discussion of new techniques, processes of modding and hacking, discussions of parts, equipment, and all things hardware hacking related.
- Continue with my reviews, editorial posts and comments about hardware hacking, Linux modifications and like minded stuff
- Contiue my focus on being community driven in regards to new topics posted.
I apologize that I don’t have much in the means of content right away, but the site will be updated frequently until all modifications from have been converted, then I’ll determine a set update schedule for which to post updated hacks and howtos along with related news in the popular media, information about new suppliers and sources for parts and other such stuff.