Download Files

This is a list of all the applications and image files that are referenced in some article posted here or are just generally useful.  Any applications listed here are free for download and use or are noted in their comments.  Please feel free to comment if a file link is broken so I can either fix it or remove the entry:

I recommend the use of WinMD5sum for Windows (available here)or using the Linux command ‘md5sum’ to validate the file you downloaded matches the file on the server:


File Name MD5 checksum File Description
BS2_joystick_diagnostics.bs2 013207646454bf3e59cf7744abd502db This is the diagnostic code for the Joystick article
BS2_joystick_rover.bs2 ee6ee5c31a42d2a67d72b3fb6db1322a This is the rover code for the Joystick article
SamsungMomentUpdateInstructions.pdf bc2c32c3bd869ff4122a8c0971d136f2 Android 2.1 update Instructions for Samsung Moment
SamsungMoment_Update.exe d1acafb81e643533afd15bbc8cd7b443 Android 2.1 Update Application for Samsung Moment 643f9dcdddca481d3725f5bec391cb98 Kragorn’s dockstar configuration for OpenOCD.
uboot-original-mtd0.kwb b2d9681ef044e9ab6b058ef442b30b6e “Factory” uBoot flash image for the Dockstar
extpart.tgz 95964fb70152c5c78067c6a966a530b0 Bento Linux ext3 partition file
fatpart.tgz d2a3ebae8507d6a4a86347b4a4b13b90 Bento Linux fat partition file
fatpartusb.tgz 8b9300fb5fb8b39e4d42abec04bdb7eb Bento Linux fat partition file for USB filesystem 65d51e08eb0aa7a1119d61977e8d254c Sylvania Windows CE Netbook update 39c6184ad70557a56d11e8bd52df0354 Kindle Fire Rooting Utility v. 0.9.5
MarketOpener.apk 9bfbd7caa59fd81bee624893b6b28739 Google Market Launcher
connectbot-kindle-fire-mod-d83c275.apk a024aa7b8797aee8883ac167b271d416 Connectbot modified for the Kindle Fire
TM1638_jagerbomber.txt c3cb4337acde30632b0e4cb5d0913fc9 Jagerbomber source code based on the TM1638 display